Friday, January 23, 2009

NOT Focusable / NOT Selectable Button

Level: Intermediate

Knowledge Required:
User Controls

Few days back I was creating a user control like ComboBox. In ComboBox we have a Drop Down button at the right side, which cannot have focus. This button can only be clicked by mouse to open the Drop Down portion (Alt+Down is the shortcut).

Similarly my control also have a button on right. I decided to make that button just like the Drop Down button of ComboBox. For this purpose I added a plain Class in my project and then put the following Code,

Public Class NotSelectableButton
Inherits Button

Public Sub New()
' following line will make this button Not Focusable
SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, False)
End Sub
End Class

1 comment:

guyven69 said...

Hi, does it work the same on the form? I want to inherit the Form and I don't want it to be selectable